2 programs in Districtul Limassol
- MSc
- Cipru
- Districtul Limassol
2 programs in Districtul Limassol
Cyprus University of Technology
Master in Public Health (MPH)
- Limassol, Cipru
La zi, Part time
2 semestre
În campus
Our interdisciplinary Master’s programme in Public Health (MPH) offered by the Cyprus International Institute for Environmental and Public Health (CII) has been designed upon the more than 10 years of CII official association with the Harvard School of Public Health. The MPH is accredited by the Cyprus Agency of Quality Assurance Accreditation in Higher Education and its curriculum is validated by the European Agency for Public Health Education Accreditation. The CII has developed research teams and programs dealing with smoking, diabetes and obesity, air and water pollution and health, epidemiology of cardiovascular and respiratory diseases. Specialized laboratories equipped with human biomonitoring equipment are in full operation. Whether you are a medical doctor, an established public health professional, or new to the field of public health, the unique structure of our MPH programme allows for the acquisition of core practical skills in key areas of public health science and practice, as well as a specialization between one of two concentrations (Environmental Health; or Epidemiology & Biostatistics). The small number of students in class together with the continuous interaction with faculty allows the cultivation of critical thinking and synthesis skills and ensures a high-quality learning experience.
Cyprus University of Technology
MSc in Cognitive Neurorehabilitation
- Limassol, Cipru
La zi, Part time
3 semestre
În campus
The main purpose of the program is to train students on cutting-edge research skills in Cognitive Neurorehabilitation and with capabilities of coordinating relevant research in clinical settings. The aim of the program is to provide students with the opportunity to acquire advanced theoretical knowledge, a deeper understanding of current research and advanced skills in research methods in cognitive rehabilitation of neurological patients. The program also aims to prepare students for postgraduate studies.
MSc Programe în Districtul Limassol, Cipru
Învățământul superior în Cipru se desfășoară în cele cinci limbi internaționale comune și anume engleză, franceză, portugheză, turcă, greacă și chineză. Acest lucru a rezolvat problemele legate de barierele lingvistice în aceste instituții de învățământ superior care să permită chiar și studenții internaționali să caute de învățământ superior din țară.
Un Masterat în Științe este un program avansat de studiu care poate fi terminat în aproximativ doi ani. Multe școli oferă programe de MSc online sau part time, astfel ca studenții ocupați să își poată continua educația în modul cel mai convenabil pentru ei.