BSc (Hons) Bioveterinary Science
Lincoln, Regatul Unit
3 up to 4 Years
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Seminariile noastre web, cursurile de master, sesiunile de întrebări și răspunsuri și discuțiile cu panelul studenților sunt o modalitate excelentă de a descoperi cum este să trăiești și să studiezi la University of Lincoln .
The BSc (Hons) Bioveterinary Science degree at Lincoln gives students the opportunity to explore the science that underlies animal health and disease.
The degree combines key concepts in animal science with relevant laboratory, field, and computer analysis. Students are introduced to the processes surrounding animal health including life histories of pathogens and parasites, infection and immunity, preventative measures, diagnosis, and treatments. There is the opportunity to study these issues in a range of animal species, including exotic, companion, livestock and wild animals, as well as in humans.
Students also have the option of a field trip in their final year as part of the optional 'Overseas Field Course' module. This will provide the opportunity to do research in a novel environment and to study local plants and animals. Destinations may vary, but have previously included the cloud forests of Ecuador, the Mankwe Wildlife Reserve in South Africa, and Peniche in Portugal.
"This information was correct at the time of publishing (July 2023)"
Rezultatul programului
How You Study
The first year of the degree introduces health and disease in the context of animal anatomy and physiology, cell biology, genetics, and the biochemistry of metabolism.
The second year builds on this, with further specialist study of animal health and disease, also providing the opportunity for students to pursue individual interests within a wide range of topics, including animal behaviour, protection, toxicology, and reproduction.
În ultimul an, studenții se lansează în proiecte individuale de cercetare și li se oferă posibilitatea de a călători în străinătate pentru a participa la excursii de cercetare pe teren, ca parte a modulului opțional Overseas Field Cours. Alte module de specialitate, inclusiv Controlul Bolilor Animale și Parazitologie Veterinară pot fi alese pentru a finaliza ultimul an.
Toți studenții de științe bioveterinare cu normă întreagă pot face un an de plasare opțional între anul doi și al treilea al programului.
Students undertaking research projects have access to a range of advanced facilities including equipment for cytometry and confocal microscopy, as well as a bioacoustics lab. Our animal behaviour laboratory includes aquatic and reptile provision alongside an insectary.
Burse și finanțare
For eligible undergraduate students going to university for the first time, scholarships and bursaries are available to help cover costs. The University of Lincoln offers a variety of merit-based and subject-specific bursaries and scholarships.
Several scholarship options are available. Please check the university website for more information.