Master în studii de asistent medical
Greenville, Statele Unite ale Americii
27 Months
La zi
Solicitați termenul limită de aplicare
Aug 2025
USD 118.376 *
În campus
* Cost proiectat de 108 credite
Misiunea programului Thiel College Master of Science in Physician Assistant este de a absolvi asistenți medicali care au cunoștințele și abilitățile disciplinare, pregătirea clinică și dispozițiile de a oferi îngrijiri excelente pacienților și de a servi nevoile comunității lor.
Cerințe de progres academic
Pentru a absolvi programul PA și a obține o diplomă de master în știință, candidatul trebuie să:
- Obțineți o notă C sau mai bună la toate cursurile din Programul PA.
- Obțineți un GPA minim general de 3.00 la sfârșitul programului.
- Finalizați cu succes evaluarea sumativă a programului PA.
Rezultatul programului
The Thiel College Student Learning outcomes are based on the Competencies for the Physician Assistant Profession document published by the National Commission on Certification of Physician Assistants.
SLO 1: Medical Knowledge
Medical knowledge includes the synthesis of pathophysiology, patient presentation, differential diagnosis, patient management, surgical principles, health promotion, and disease prevention. Physician assistant students must demonstrate core knowledge about established and evolving biomedical and clinical sciences and the application of this knowledge to patient care in their area of practice. In Addition, physician assistant students are expected to demonstrate an investigative and analytic thinking approach to clinical situations.
SLO 2: Interpersonal & Communications Skills
Interpersonal and communication skills encompass the verbal, nonverbal, written, and electronic exchange of information. Physician assistant students must demonstrate interpersonal and communication skills that result in effective information exchange with patients, patients' families, physicians, professional associates, and other individuals within the healthcare system.
SLO 3: Patient Care
Patient care includes patient- and setting-specific assessment, evaluation, and management. Physician Assistant students must demonstrate care that is effective, safe, high quality, and equitable. Physician Assistant students must obtain a relevant medical history, adequately perform physical examinations, and implement treatment plans for patients of all age groups, appropriate to the patient’s condition. In addition, Physician Assistant students must demonstrate proficiency in technical procedures and health care that is effective, patient-centered, safe, compassionate, and culturally appropriate for the treatment of medical problems and the promotion of health.
SLO 4: Professionalism
Professionalism is the expression of positive values and ideals as care is delivered. Foremost, it involves prioritizing the interests of those being served above one’s own. Physician Assistant students must acknowledge their professional and personal limitations. Professionalism also requires that PAs practice without impairment from substance abuse, cognitive deficiency, or mental illness. Physician Assistant students must demonstrate a high level of responsibility, ethical practice, sensitivity to a diverse patient population, and adherence to legal and regulatory requirements.
SLO 5: Practice-based Learning & Improvement
Practice-based learning and improvement include the processes through which Physician Assistants engage in critical analysis of their own practice experience, the medical literature, and other information resources for the purposes of self- and practice improvement. Physician Assistant students must be able to assess, evaluate, and improve their patient care practices.
SLO 6: Systems-based Practice
The systems-based practice encompasses the societal, organizational, and economic environments in which healthcare is delivered. Physician Assistant students must demonstrate an awareness of and responsiveness to the larger system of health care to provide patient care that balances quality and cost while maintaining the primacy of the individual patient. PAs should work to improve the health care system of which their practices are a part.
Semestrul de vară 1 (notă: acesta este un semestru de 8 săptămâni)
- PA 501 Științe medicale I 2
- PA 504 Principiile medicinei I 3
- PA 507 Farmacologie I 1
- PA 510 Evaluarea pacientului și raționamentul clinic I 2
- PA 514 Practică profesională 1
Total credite: 9
Fall Semester 1
- PA 502 Științe medicale II 3
- PA 505 Principiile medicinei II 5
- PA 508 Farmacologie III 2
- PA 511 Evaluarea pacientului și raționamentul clinic II 3
- PA 512 Medicină de diagnostic I 3
- PA 515 Boli infecțioase/Microbiologie clinică 2
Total Credits: 18
Semestrul de primăvară 1
- PA 503 Științe medicale III 3
- PA 506 Principiile medicinei III 5
- PA 509 Farmacologie III 2
- PA 513 Medicină de diagnostic II 2
- PA 516 Medicină bazată pe dovezi și sănătate publică 3
- PA 517 Medicină comportamentală/sănătății mintale 2
- PA 521 Abilități și proceduri clinice I 2
Total Credits: 19
Summer Semester 2
- PA 522 Abilități și proceduri clinice II 2
- SPAN 523 Spaniolă medicală 2
- PA 524 Furnizare de asistență medicală 2
- PA 525 Medicină clinică pe toată durata vieții 4
- PA 526 Chirurgie și Medicină de Urgență 2
- PA 527 Practicul clinic 2
Total Credits: 14
Fall Semester 2
- PA 528 Dezvoltare profesională I 1
- PA 531 Burse clinice I (Rotațiile 1, 2 și 3) 15
Total Credits: 16
Spring Semester 2
- PA 529 Dezvoltare profesională II 1
- PA 532 Sfera clinică II (Rotațiile 4, 5 și 6) 15
Total Credits: 16
Semestrul de vară 3
- PA 530 Dezvoltare profesională III 1
- PA 533 Sfera clinică III (Rotațiile 7, 8 și 9) 15
Total Credits: 16
Taxa de școlarizare a programului
English Language Requirements
Certificați-vă cunoștințele de limba engleză cu testul de engleză Duolingo! DET este un test de engleză online convenabil, rapid și accesibil, acceptat de peste 4.000 de universități (ca aceasta) din întreaga lume.